by Alexander N. Schmidt-Lebuhn

This JavaScript program converts plain text dichotomous analytical determination keys into hyperlinked keys in HTML code. The resulting code can be copied into your own HTML files. Reference: Schmidt-Lebuhn & Kessler 2007, Taxon 56(2): 505-508.

Please note the following:

  • The key has to be dichotomous. Leads must be separated from their directions either by two or more spaces, dots (..), or underlines (__).
  • Take care to set the correct options, otherwise the script might produce weird or no results.
  • Every lead has to be one paragraph, as the script interprets a line break as the end of the lead.
  • The following text window must only contain the couplets. All additional text, like title, instructions, etc., must be added in your final HTML file.
  • JavaScript has to be activated in your browser.
  • For more details see the manual.
  • For examples of converted keys, click here.

Key to be transformed into HTML


key is indented/yoked
key is bracketed/parallel

leads start with numbers
only first lead has number
couplets are not numbered

taxa are numbered
taxa are not numbered

Treatment of taxon names (see above!)

do not link
link all taxa to synonymous .html files
link all taxa with custom link
decide individually using "|" + number


html code
hyperlink description
view as web page

Custom link text:

Individual link text "|1":

Individual link text "|2":

Individual link text "|3":

Default link text:

Additional link options: