Flora Malesiana
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Flora Malesiana Bulletin

Established in 1947 by C.G.G.J. van Steenis

ISSN 0071-5778




Flora Malesiana Bulletin (established in 1947) at present is a bi-annual newsletter that provides information for and contact between institutes and individual botanists with an interest in the mainly taxonomic botany of the Malesian region in the wide sense.

The Spring issue (about 25 pages) contains information on progress in Malesian botany, expeditions, fieldwork, herbaria/gardens, organizations, personal news. The Fall issue (about 100 pages) has papers on various subjects, a chapter with reviews of new publications, and is especially important for the extensive Bibliography on Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes, and General Subjects.

Every four years indices to scientific plant names and personal (author) names are provided upon completion of a volume. These indices provide a fast survey of work done during the past 48 years and are of great importance to students of plants and people of the Malesian area.

Subscription is free for those botanists and institutes working on and in the Malesian region. For others the price is NLG 40.00 per annum.


Contents of issues and Bibliography of Flora Malesiana Bulletin are available on-line from 1995 onwards. Most back volumes (4 issues, including indices) up to volume 10 are available at NLG 100.00, each. Volume 11 to be completed in 1996 (7 issues, indices) will be NLG 145.00. Ask for possibilities for exchange.

Information regarding available back-numbers/volumes can be obtained from the Publications Department, Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus.