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Canberra National Multicultural Festival at the Gardens

Totems and Amulets

an exhibition of sculptures by Francine Secretan


'Throughout history people have forgotten to interpret the messages of their ancestors. Within every individual there is still a vestige of the significance of symbols.'

Francine Secretan is an internationally famous Swiss sculptor who has lived and worked in Bolivia for many years. The Gardens is the perfect setting for her dramatic metal and timber sculptures which represent universal charms and offerings to the spirits of place and the guardians of the world's environments.

Saturday 3 March to Sunday 18 March


Examples of work: Image-2, Image-3, Image-4

Portrait of Francine Secretan

Proudly sponsored by the Swiss Embassy, Winterthur International and Prohelvetia


Return to: Australian National Botanic Gardens 

Updated Wednesay, February 22, 2001, 23:45:03 EST, Murray Fagg (