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Navigation Buttons

In Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, it is

Below The Buttons and their meanings

On some documets, navigations buttons are provided to assist navigation through the files and directories. They have the general appearance and function of control buttons found on many tape recorders.

Some or all of the buttons below may occur on the last line of a document, but sometimes they may be included in the body of the document as well.

Previous Previous - go to the previous document or page in a set

Stop Stop - Stop reading the present set of documents, return head page of set

Next Next - go the the next document or page in a set

Above Above - go to a higher level (or home page) in a set

Below Below - go to a lower level in the document or set, or to an alternative document

Below Questions - context sensitive help or general help page

Below Restricted - password or other permissions may be required

Buttons made by Jim Croft. You are welcome to use or adapt them for you own documents or applications.

button Updated , Jim Croft (jrc@anbg.gov.au)

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