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Network and Server Technicalities

In Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, it is


button The development and maintenance of these WWW and Gopher information servers, and other network and computing activities is carried out in the
IBIS unit of the Botany section of the Australian National Botanic Gardens. Contact Jim Croft (jrc@anbg.gov.au) and/or Greg Whitbread (ghw@anbg.gov.au).

Disclaimer: The applications and products mentioned in this document are not necessarily those used at this site. They may have been used in the past or they may be things we would like to use if we could find the time to install them and learn how they work.


Network clients

Network servers

Network utilities

Database Software

Other Software


Computer hardware

Scientific, Statistics

Scientific Suppliers


button Updated , Jim Croft (jrc@anbg.gov.au)