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Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research

Eucalyptus series Preissianae (Myrtaceae), a new series of Western Australian eucalypts and the description of a new subspecies in the series.

Brooker, M.I.H. and Slee, A.V.

Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, G.P.O. Box 1600, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601 Australia.


Brooker, M.I.H. and Slee, A.V. Eucalyptus series Preissianae (Myrtaceae), a new series of Western Australian eucalypts and the description of a new subspecies in the series. Nuytsia 10(1): 7-13 (1995).

A new taxon, Eucalyptus series Preissianae, comprising subser. Pluriloculares Blakely and Glandulares Blakely, and a new taxon, E. preissiana subsp. lobulata are described, accompanied by illustrations and a distribution map.

Published in: Nuytsia 10(1): 7-13 (1995).

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Updated 15 November, 1999 by Andrew Lyne
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