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Integrated Botanical Information System (IBIS)
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Australian National Herbarium

Home > CANBR | Gardens > IBIS Databases > Locality census tool

Locality Census Tool

Enter a place name, (best followed by the word Australia), in the address box [ie. Blinman, Australia]
Click on the map, or an enlargement of the map, for the centre of a circle of designated radius (default = 25 km).

A scrollable plant list will show in the right-hand column (includes bryophytes, lichens, etc).

Clicking on any plant in the right-hand column will provide locations for the collections on the map.

Clicking on the location 'bubble' will provide collecting details in the left-hand column.

Address: Radius:


The list and collection points are based on collections held in the Australian National Herbarium in Canberra.

This web-page is under development.