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Information about Australia's flora - Wattles, genus Acacia
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Acacia concurrens

Description: A small tree which may reach 10 m high, but generally smaller. The phyllodes are obliquely obovate with the lower margin more or less straight. They are up to 16 cm long. The rod shaped flowers are bright yellow and borne in pairs in the upper leaf axils. They are seen from late winter to early spring.
Distribution: southeast Queensland to northern New South Wales.
Propagation: From scarified seed or boiling water treatment.
Cultivation: A hardy and fast-growing tree for coastal districts. May be used as a screen or shelter for younger plants. Most soils are satisfactory and full sun is recommended.
Special horticultural attributes:

© Text derived from the Acacia sections of the 4th edition of Australian Native Plants by John Wrigley and Murray Fagg, published in 1996 by Reed Books Pty Ltd