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Information about Australia's flora - Wattles, genus Acacia
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Acacia falcata

Photo of Acacia falcataHickory Wattle, Sally

Description: Erect, tree-like shrub to 4 m with slender trunk and falcate phyllodes to 15 cm. Bears cream coloured ball-flowers in early winter.
Distribution: NSW, Qld.
Propagation: From scarified seed or boiling water treatment.
Cultivation: Generally adaptable in cultivation, responds to sunny, reasonably well drained positions in most soils. Very hardy. Often seen on cleared land around Sydney. Frequently used to revegetate road batters.
Special horticultural attributes:

© Text derived from the Acacia sections of the 4th edition of Australian Native Plants by John Wrigley and Murray Fagg, published in 1996 by Reed Books Pty Ltd