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Information about Australia's flora - Wattles, genus Acacia
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Acacia spectabilis

Mudgee Wattle

Description: Large shrub with tree-like form to 6 m with lacy, glaucous, pinnate leaves and grey-green trunk. Golden balls of flowers appear in spring. Pods are purplish.
Distribution: NSW, Qld.
Propagation: From scarified seed or boiling water treatment.
Cultivation: Beautiful feature plant. Needs full sun and reasonable drainage for best results. A prostrate form of this species is being grown at the Australian National Botanic Gardens in pots. It has been grown from cuttings but the percentage strike is very low and further work must be done before this form is generally available.
Special horticultural attributes:

Photo of Acacia spectabilis Photo of Acacia spectabilis

© Text derived from the Acacia sections of the 4th edition of Australian Native Plants by John Wrigley and Murray Fagg, published in 1996 by Reed Books Pty Ltd